Monday, June 27, 2011

The beauty of a sick girl on a Monday in the summertime.

When you're a teacher, and you get the summer off (I know, I know, don't hate), it's a true luxury.  But not always in ways you think of.  You think of not having things to grade.  You think of staying up late.  But, you know those days when you wake up sick and you realize, "Dude.  It's way easier for me to go work feeling junky instead of making arrangements for me to miss work?" 

Well, today, I woke up and I had a fever and a swollen tonsil.  [Also, I've never had a swollen tonsil before.  What's the deal?] 

And guess what I did?

I went back to sleep.  And then, when I woke up hours later, I texted Trevor from upstairs to tell him I was sicky, and he brought me a tray of feverish-girl goodies (he's really nice, BTW).  This tray of happy included many things.  Things like tea, with cream and sugar.  And a new Better Homes and Gardens magazine.  And toast and jelly.  And black cherry sody (soda).  And advil.  And the sun was shining in the window and I could see the plants of my window boxes over the ledge.  And I felt really really crappy (fevers=bad), but still joyful. 

I eventually got up, showered, made myself feel better by putting on a summer sun dress and deodorant.  I think feeling better had to do more with prayer and ibuprofen, not the dress.  But, this morning, when I got to stay in bed when I was sick, was beautiful. 

{AND, it's 11:15pm right now and I am not feeling guilty about missing my school year 9:30pm bed time.  HaHA!}

May you have eyes to see the beauty in your world. --Meg Tess

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